Our church's youth ministry exists to be supportive and instructive, under the authority of parents.
It is characterized by the following key elements.
1. CPC's Youth Ministry is Gospel immersed— Our goal is that young people will find their joy and purpose in life by glorifying God for all their life. Since eternal life and peace with God is found only in redemption through Jesus Christ and his gospel, it is of the utmost importance that that gospel be made known by word and deed early and often. There should be no activity that does not have at its end the purpose of young people glorifying and enjoying God in his gospel. The gospel not only provides the goal but also the content of our teaching. Thus the scriptures and catechisms should be used as primary source material to highlight what children need to know about God, themselves, the gospel, and the world around them.
2. CPC's Youth Ministry is supported and fueled by parents—While children are young and living in the home God has given the tasks of evangelism, teaching, rearing, discipline, nurturing and providing primarily to parents. While this authority may at times be delegated, the chief responsibility rests with those to whom the children have been entrusted. Parents ought to have the last word about what is taught, what activities are done, and what any ministry for the benefit of their children would look like. The role of Pastors and other members of the church is normally to be one of support and instruction, based on God's word.
3. Youth Ministry should be Age Appropriate—
a. 1st and 2nd Decade kids are children as they relate to adults. This means that they are under authority. By biblical definition children are also “foolish” (Prov.22:15). This means that adult supervision is necessary. Consequently all teaching, counseling, and activities should take into consideration the physical and mental abilities of young people and be adjusted as such to best accommodate their “childishness”. At the same time, it should call them to the biblical standards which are ageless. And emphasis on God’s law is crucial at this stage.
b. 2nd Decade kids are maturing at a rapid pace and can be held to a higher standard than 1st decade children. As a result they are capable of understanding deeper biblical and theological realities than usually credited to them. Along with their physical and spiritual development they have a growing capability to understand truth and reality in abstract terms. This naturally leads to a conclusion that they are able to be held accountable for their actions in a much more serious way than that of 1st Decade kids. Though they are still developing an awareness of their own identity, they can recognize their choices and the motivations behind them. In order to help mold their character and guide them to a better understanding of their sinful state and need of a Savior it is useful to show them that what they do is a reflection of who they are.
4.Youth Ministry Should Embrace Spiritual Orphans—James 1:27---
There are always children in proximity to those in the church who do not have parents directing their spiritual lives in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. Sometimes this is because of circumstances out of the parent’s control and other times it is because the parents have no ability themselves to direct the spiritual well-being of their son/daughter (i.e. they are not redeemed). In these cases, it is important for other parents and church members to step in to help communicate the gospel and disciple these young people. This reason alone provides tremendous motivation for ALL families with children to be involved with the youth ministries of the church. It is of utmost importance for spiritual orphans to have access by proxy to those parents and mature Christians in the church who can provide the spiritual nurture is that is missing otherwise.